暫停程式/程序/suspend program/process (replacing pssuspend.exe in Sysinternals)


Use AVX2 if your processor supports it. (It may work on CPU with AVX only?)

usage guide and sample batch file

suspend/resume a list of processes in Windows
Not all process can be suspened/resumed properly, use in caution
I write this for replacing pssuspend.exe in Sysinternals.
add features that aren't in pssuspend.exe: unicode support, multiple target processes

Suspend processes temporarily to save resource usage(CPU, GPU...etc) and resume them later. It is faster than closing and restarting.
ex: suspend a game to play another game smoothly or use as fast game specific mute. suspend the other game when lol (League of Legends) starts

This is my first github project.
I wana say **** Windows SDK **** msdn docs. Many function behaviors are strange (not the same as docs), I need try and make it work in some way.

If you wana terminate mutiple processes.
Taskkill /T /F /IM Firefox.exe /IM Iexplorer.exe /IM Chrome.exe

配合Sandboxie 可多開同一遊戲,一個查攻略,切回遊戲時把查攻略的暫停


lol (League of Legends)排隊時,去玩別的遊戲,排到後暫停其他遊戲,減少CPU/GPU使用,停止其他遊戲的聲音干擾,等打完再恢復繼續玩



OBS 抓不到畫面, 視窗, 遊戲擷取, 黑或白畫面, 當掉 ,卡住, black/white screen, window game capture, crash, freeze

優化實況(一) OBS設定 streaming settings

OBS plugin obs-text 顯示播放中音樂, display playing music