瀏覽器的選擇 Firefox or Chrome?

My preference: Firefox > Edge > Chrome

Chrome is faster but consumes more memory. (1+ process per tab)
Firefox concerns your privacy, Chrome wants your privacy for advertising.

Firefox is a bit slower than chrome but less memory usage.
Chrome creates one process for every tab.
Every extension uses more memory in Chrome than Firefox.
uses 23xxK in Chrome, 4xxK in Firefox.

Firefox Quantum (Firefox 57 later) is getting faster and better responsive.
Firefox is closing the gap to Chrome speed.
You should try it if you don't have enough memory.

You should use Firefox if you are lolicon.



OBS 抓不到畫面, 視窗, 遊戲擷取, 黑或白畫面, 當掉 ,卡住, black/white screen, window game capture, crash, freeze

優化實況(一) OBS設定 streaming settings

OBS plugin obs-text 顯示播放中音樂, display playing music