OBS: capture Twitch chat from Chatty 擷取Chatty聊天室文字

If you don't use Chatty, you should use browser source to render Twitch chat. (Sine OBS Studio add hardware acceleration to browser source)

If you have mutiple monitor or enough space. You can try streamchat function in Chatty. (no example now)

First Add a window capture to Chatty.
No picture this step, I think you have no problem here.

Click Filters to add filter to Chatty window capture.
Add "Color Key", set Key Color to Chatty background color. (black #000000 in my case)
Adjust Opacity to see what's changed and pick one value.

Edit Transform(Ctrl+E) to crop Chatty  window capture. (capture part of Chatty window)
I can't tell you which size is better. Just try and see what's changed.



OBS 抓不到畫面, 視窗, 遊戲擷取, 黑或白畫面, 當掉 ,卡住, black/white screen, window game capture, crash, freeze

優化實況(一) OBS設定 streaming settings

OBS plugin obs-text 顯示播放中音樂, display playing music