Android Magisk module uninstall

magisk module比xposed module危險,可能會無法開機,解法↓

Uninstall Magisk module offline/without Magisk?

Use found in collection of modules thread and delete the folder via twrp in /magisk

Magisk Module Uninstaller

  1. Flash in recovery (TWRP)
  2. Go to TWRP's Terminal/ADB Shell (if you're not usinf twrp 3.x)
  3. Type uninmod_magisk 



OBS 抓不到畫面, 視窗, 遊戲擷取, 黑或白畫面, 當掉 ,卡住, black/white screen, window game capture, crash, freeze

優化實況(一) OBS設定 streaming settings

OBS plugin obs-text 顯示播放中音樂, display playing music