Qt and VS2017 32bit
據說VS2015 VS2017 ABI相容,所以Qt似乎不打算令外出2017的
要產生VS2017 32bit build
Qt Creator內要改設定才能用到2015
要設定2017的compiler (應該要能自動抓才對?)
AppVeyor的狀況 (目前還沒把 msvc2015放進VS2017的image,沒得用)
Build started
要產生VS2017 32bit build
Qt Creator內要改設定才能用到2015
要設定2017的compiler (應該要能自動抓才對?)
AppVeyor的狀況 (目前還沒把 msvc2015放進VS2017的image,沒得用)
Build started
cd C:\Qt\5.9
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 1CB8-D4AA
Directory of C:\Qt\5.9
07/04/2017 01:52 PM <DIR> .
07/04/2017 01:52 PM <DIR> ..
07/04/2017 01:53 PM <DIR> msvc2017_64
07/04/2017 01:51 PM <DIR> winrt_armv7_msvc2017
07/04/2017 01:52 PM <DIR> winrt_x64_msvc2017
07/04/2017 01:52 PM <DIR> winrt_x86_msvc2017
0 File(s) 0 bytes
6 Dir(s) 27,699,412,992 bytes free