MSI HD 6850 Power Edition OC R6850-Cyclone-1GD5-Power-Edition/OC UEFI rom

MSI HD 6850 Power Edition OC

Basically hex edit the bios

At the beginning of the bios around 00000220 (every bios different) you will see at the right: PCIR € € AMD ATOMBIOS

So in hex the € is 80, change the second €/80 to 00

This toggle makes it see a UEFI Gop partition in the bios, 80 is no gop 00 if gop

Then scroll down to 00010000

This is where gop bios starts, copy and paste a gop bios from a working rom into here

atiwinflash -f -p 0 "NAME of the BIOS".rom



OBS 抓不到畫面, 視窗, 遊戲擷取, 黑或白畫面, 當掉 ,卡住, black/white screen, window game capture, crash, freeze

優化實況(一) OBS設定 streaming settings

OBS plugin obs-text 顯示播放中音樂, display playing music